Second Young Parent Expo for pregnant and parenting teens proves to be Seleni Institute’s most popular teen event

The Seleni Institute hasreceived a flood of interest for its second Young Parent Expo, to take place on February 6, 2016. The full-capacity event will feature expanded programming for about 100 pregnant and parenting teens aged 14 to 22.
Attendees from all over New York City have signed up already, with Seleni providing many teen homeless shelter residents with free transportation to and from the event. The three-hour programme will provide teens with the opportunity to gain skills in newborn care and selfesteem building with Seleni clinicians and community advocates. Attendees will be able to talk about the full spectrum of parenting challenges, including fatherhood issues for the men in attendance.
Volunteers will be available on-site to provide childcare for children aged from newborn to six years old, and each participant will receive a full breakfast and a diaper bag full of infant and baby essentials. This is the second such event put on by the Seleni Institute and follows its inaugural Young Parent event held at the beginning of November last year.
The Young Parent Expo is a free quarterly event within Seleni’s flagship programme, the Seleni Institute Teen Initiative (SITI). SITI is solely dedicated to improving the likelihood of success in adulthood for teenage mothers by providing critical and evidence-based reproductive and maternal mental health services to pregnant and postpartum teenage girls.
In addition to the Young Parent Expo, SITI provides direct support to teenage girls via individual psychotherapy, group support, and general information on the psychological effects of pregnancy and new motherhood, as well as professional training on reproductive mental health for clinicians working with a pregnant teen population.
To learn more about the Seleni Institute Teen Initiative:
please visit or call 212-939-7200.